Research (on internet)

i done some research about devise that relate to health or anything that the theme is health...this is the example that i used as my precedent studies

LED Pain Reliever

by Anita on October 11, 2010

· The LED Pain Reliever technology was created by NASA to aid in healing injuries of astronauts. The gadget uses 60 LED’s that produce safe infrared heat that stimulates the circulation of the blood, which relieves swelling in the joints and loosens tight muscles. The technology was used at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee during a study, which proved the reduction of 37% of inflammation. This gadget does not work like a heating pad that only warms the skin, but penetrates into the deep tissue to provide lasting relief for achy muscles.

Oxihealth Finger Oximeter detects how healthy you are

Posted by sexy gadgets On April - 28 - 2009

With this device you can have vital information on your health status at the tip of your fingers. It looks and works in same way as little clips they put on you in the hospital that tells the doctors more about your health condition. Oxihealth Finger Oximeter reads your pulse rate as well as your arterial hemoglobin’s oxyhemoglobin( medical jargon for how much oxygen your blood is carrying to all your muscles, vital organs and the brain).
There are two sensors that measure the absorption of a red LED light and infrared. The absorption of these wavelengths is different between oxyhemoglobin and the deoxygenated form. Oximeter gives you this vital information in just seconds. Price for this smart gadget is only $15 although you can not really put price tag on your health and well being. Consider this as a small investment that could help your visit your doctor before you have serious problems.
*Do not use the this device as a replacement for regular doctor visits or as a replacement for advice from your doctor.

Acu-Point Acupuncture Pen / Stimulator and Microcomputer Therapist

I was as much suspicious as curious when I got it from Today it is my best personal health gadget! It is hard to believe the microcomputer technology could help so much in healing and improving man’s health. I’ve successfully cured my mouse hands with this little device after just couple of 15-minute session acupuncture treatment, and am working through other small ailments over the body with more uses. I’m so getting one from 2shopper again for my cousin for his birthday! (via

Aculife Magnetic Wave Electro-Acupuncture Therapist and Personal Hygienic Device

Problems. Find What You Need ToKnow For Healthy Gums.

Aculife magnetic wave electro-acupuncture therapist from is by far the most reliable personal healthy device for home and travel use. We did not believe it until we used it for ourselves. After some study in patience, we’ve learnt how each acupoint on the palm and back reflects certain part of human organ, and been amazed at how magnetic therapy could relieve pains, dilate blood vessels, adjust movement of intestines and boost immunity. Thanks to 2shopper, my parents no longer have to worry about their sickness to needles used in traditional acupuncture treatment. They say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, I boast “with Aculife, I need family doctor no more.” (via

Dual percussion massagers ease muscle tension with 3,100 pulses per minute.

Lightweight personal massager generates 3,100 pulses per minute.
Dual pivoting gel massaging heads direct percussion downward for a rejuvenating, deep-tissue-style massage.
Choose the heat option to stimulate healing circulation in sore, tired muscles.
Five pairs of varied massage nodes (soft, medium, hard, heated and exclusive gel) customize the percussion needed for different areas and for different therapies.
Shock-absorbing gel massage heads apply a lighter, more cushioned massage to sensitive areas. Dual-speed control varies the intensity from gentle to invigorating.

Health Gadget GlucoGrip Detects Your Blood Sugar Level by Giulio Sbarigia

GlucoGrip is a high-tech concept kit for detecting blood sugar, specially designed to avoid additional medical instrumentation expenses by combining agronomy and technology in a simple and easily manageable way. This single device incorporates lancing and blood analyzer, reducing the timing and gestures for the collection through one object at your fingertips. The smart needles that are used to get the required blood drop are optimized by interchangeable disks which leave no scratches on the skin. The intuitive interface of GlucoGrip allows the user to manage it easily and get results through pictogram status tracking system. It features a logbook where users can store their day to day readings for further review of their health condition progress.

Diabetes Gadget

The growing development in science and technology offer us a hope of a better and healthier future filled with a number of medical breakthroughs. The Diabetes Gadget is one product that offers hopes for paving the way for a new non invasive treatment for diabetics. “In” is another wonderful concept design that hopes to benefit diabetics. Designed by Michelle Avelis, the “In” is a unique device that is an alternative to needles and offers inhalable insulin for diabetics especially children. By changing the perception of insulin delivery products, the designers hopes to change the way the world perceives young children suffering from diabetics.

The inhalable solution will benefit many and also be extremely easy to use. A great concept, the next generation is sure to benefit from it if it is ever manufactured.

Alpha-Stim 100: relief from pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia

The photo shows a new medical gadget available in the UK. Alpha-Stim 100 is a non-invasive device providing safe and effective relief from pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, plus a range of other conditions (e.g. back pain, chronic fatigue).

It adopts a holistic approach in treatment allowing for a natural healing process, free from drugs.

The Alpha-Stim 100 uses micro current electrical therapy to help those suffering from acute, chronic or postoperative pain. Minute levels of electricity flow into the body from the device; which mimic the bodies own electric impulses, thus helping the body to heal naturally and fast.

The product is based on tried and tested scientific principles. Not only does it maintain a high level of safety standards, but also produces effective results.

The company has a number of different case studies that promote its effectiveness, such as a 72-year-old woman with sciatica, a 49-year-old housewife with fibromyalgia, a 32-year-old Irish man with depression and an 80-year-old woman with agoraphobia.

View other news about gadgets and technology. For further details on the product and how to purchase visit

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